Photography Thru Herzog's Lens
Ive always loved photography & taking photos.But more so when I was adopted by a 6week old German shepherd puppy named Herzog.He was just so beautiful,I had a camera of some sort in his face constantly.Whether at home,on adventures,eating,drinking,sleeping or just going toilet,the camera caught it.With devastating sadness my heart & soul Herzog passed away on Jan 19th 2024,two weeks after his 15th birthday.So in my lost state of griefing & depression I picked up our camera and just started shooting anything & everything to just get by,but I rekindled the love & passion I have for catching that perfect shot.
A photographer....Capturing treasured moments of life 'Past & Present'..
Creating precious memories for you & myself 'Thru Herzog's Lens...
Any shoot big or small...What you want Herzog's Lens will take it all.
Whatever your love....Pets,family,friends,special occasions/events,vehicles,businesses or clubs...
Let the print in time be caught & created 'Thru Herzog's Lens..